There’s not much that comedian George Carlin can say that would shock me; he’s one of the wackiest men in America. But the fact that he would spout off in a phone interview with The Arizona Republic his anti-American views strikes me as odd even for the 66-year-old comic.
Q: You’re known as a very liberal comic. Are you trying to change people’s political views when you go out there? Do you have an underlying agenda?
A: No. First of all, I’m not liberal. I’m just about (being) anti-United States. I don’t like the way this country operates. I think we’ve ruined this place.
Since I try to stay in the business of debating the sane, I’ll let his words speak for themselves. But one assertion of his is recited too often to be disregarded with a simple paltry disdain. He continued:
And I think it’s largely because of businessmen. And businessmen are not liberals. So if that makes me a liberal, then that’s just an association. It’s not a choice.
So, all businessmen are conservatives, eh? Tell that to liberal-activist and billionaire George Soros, who has pledged his checkbook to Bush’s defeat in ’04. ‘Nuff said.