Catching a Whiff of the John Kerry Buzz

by on February 16th, 2004

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last made my impassioned plea for the Democrats to drop John Kerry and pick another nominee.

But it seems most people failed to pick up on the anti-Kerry sentiment the way they picked up on the anti-Dean sentiment, and I for one am all the better for it.

The biggest factor I brought up in my plea was the fact that the guys rooting for someone besides Kerry had to get together behind one of the other candidates for it to work out. I decided that Clark probably had the best chance out of the three (Clark, Edwards, and Dean) to gain the backing of the rest of the undecideds, because one: he was charismatic and from the South (for the Edwards voters), and two: his being a non-politician with an insurgent vibe (which should have satisfied the Dean voters).

So an anti-Kerry could’ve emerged, but didn’t, due to the fact that the Clark ticket just wasn’t appealing enough for Dean and Edwards supporters to get behind.

But, and the plus side, the big thing is this -John Kerry was picked by the voters to be the frontrunner, and overwhelmingly so. Clark picked up OK, Edwards picked up SC, but I can’t remember a candidate that has won so many states so decisively, against a pool of candidates this qualified and divisive.

While I myself am not the biggest fan of John Kerry, and question the whole “electability” factor, the fact remains that John Kerry has won on this issue alone overwhelmingly. People are so upset with the possibility of another four years of George W. Bush, that they’ve consolidated themselves together to put forth a candidate that just isn’t a possibility to win, but who must win.

I still have my reservations about John Kerry. He seems to me probably too much a token of the special interests, but it’s going to be tough for the Bush Campaign to really hammer him on that without opening up a big can of worms to the media.

And he’s not the most exciting speaker in the world (neither is Bush), and he doesn’t take the web pundits and fundraising example of the Dean campaign seriously. If charm is the buzzword this year, Kerry’s patrician style probably won’t cut it, whereas Bush at times practically oozes it.

But if America wants an obvious bona-fide political leader in charge of this country, who knows the ropes, and the dopes (and you have to admit that John Kerry at this point really couldn’t have chosen a better profession for himself than being a politician), then John Kerry is going to be a tough man to beat in November.

Edward E.J. Davis