It was bound to happen. While lurking for over a week, the Race Card (TM) smacked Cincinnati Mayor Charlie Luken in the head yesterday, ironically on the same day he attempted to appease Race Card (TM) users. Too bad for them he was wearing his patented anti-Race Card helmet (TM), minimizing the effect of the card’s appearance at the hands of none other than the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party.
“We charge the police chief with running a criminal organization that has the blood of 19 black men on its hands,” Malik Shabazz of Washington said at a rally outside Cincinnati police headquarters. “We as a jury have already determined our finding.”
They must have missed it when the mayor spoke yesterday about setting aside $1 million in next year’s budget to cut off this type of scaremongering.
While it is unclear whether the incident would have changed if our officers had the latest technology in Tasers, I believe we must equip our police with the very best equipment.
I called it wasteful spending.
It’s wasteful spending at its best. And Mayor Luken wishes to set aside $1 million in the 2004 budget to fund this inane idea, all to appease the fact that some blacks in Cincinnati are playing the race card.
Esp, anyone?