Congress To Subpoena Baseball Players

by on March 9th, 2005

(CBS/AP) Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire and Jason Giambi were among seven current and former baseball stars that a congressional committee plans to subpoena as soon as Wednesday to testify about steroids.

Curt Schilling, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmeiro and Frank Thomas also were asked last week to testify. Thus far, only Canseco and Thomas have said they were willing to appear.

Canseco has written a much-talked-about book that purports to tell the truth about his own use of anabolic steroids. In an interview with “60 Minutes”, he admitted to using them for most of his career and said that “a lot of other players” did as well.

The Baltimore Sun first reported on the subpoenas earlier Tuesday on its Web site.

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