Iraq minister says UN failure

by on December 16th, 2003

With all the international support of the United Nations, you’d think that the worldly body has some successes under its belt to warrant such trust. Hardly. Even Iraqis know that the UN has largely been a failure. In what amounts to a sure slap in the face, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari accused the UN of appalling inaction Tuesday, citing their inability to rescue Iraq from Saddam Hussein for many years.

Zebari said the United Nations had failed to help rescue Iraq from “a murderous tyranny” that lasted more than 35 years and “today we are unearthing thousands of victims in horrifying testament to that failure.”

“The United Nations must not fail the Iraqi people again,” Zebari said.

Could it be? The same body that failed the world over also failed in Iraq? Hopefully, the UN will listen to this bit of criticism since it’s coming from Iraq itself, not the United States.

Etalkinghead Staff