Kerry says Republicans are disenfranchising black voters

by on October 3rd, 2004,2933,134349,00.html

“In battleground states across the country, we’re hearing stories of how people are trying to make it harder to file for additional time, or how they’re making it harder to even register,” Kerry told an enthusiastic congregation at East Mt. Zion Baptist Church.

“We’re not going to let that happen because the memories of 2000 are too strong. We’re not going to allow 1 million African Americans to be disenfranchised.”

At a stop in Ohio earlier Sunday, Kerry told a voter concerned about ballots cast by military personnel overseas that Democrats are aware of voting problems and are concerned.

“We’re seeing efforts by the Republicans, unfortunately, in various parts of the country to suppress votes and intimidate people, to do things that bring back memories that are pretty bitter in the American mind from the year 2000.”

Etalkinghead Staff