Presidential polls

by on October 31st, 2004

Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) — President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry were deadlocked with equal support among likely voters nationwide in polls by the Washington Post, Fox News, Reuters/Zogby and American Research Group concluded two days before the election.

The polls span the period before and after the Oct. 29 release of a videotape from terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, in which he said Bush’s policies are a threat to Muslims and another attack is possible.

The Post poll was taken Oct. 27-30, while Zogby and American Research conducted their surveys of likely voters Oct. 28-30. All three showed the candidates with 48 percent support each. The Fox poll, which showed Bush and Kerry each with 46 percent support, was taken Oct. 29-30. An Oct. 27-29 Newsweek magazine poll showed Bush led Kerry 50 percent to 44 percent.

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