Schwarzenegger State of the State speech promising

by on January 7th, 2004

Last night, newly elected California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger gave his first major speech to the Democrat-controlled legislature. And from his mouth came promising words for anyone worried about the current state of this state. For California’s future, Schwarzenegger’s main emphasis is to stop out-of-control spending.

Never again will government be allowed to spend money it doesn’t have.

Never again will the state be allowed to borrow money to pay for its operating expenses. […]

The alternative is economic chaos.

But the music to my ears came when Schwarzenegger vowed to not raise taxes.

A tax increase would be the final nail in California’s financial coffin.

The people of California did not elect me to destroy jobs and businesses by raising taxes.

I will not make matters worse.

And if Schwarzenegger makes good on his promises, much like he did by repealing a car tax tripling and stopping a bill that would have given driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, California will no longer have a cloud of Gray hanging over it.

Etalkinghead Staff