Sen. Grassley: bin Laden captured by Nov.

by on February 4th, 2004

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley has some news. Well, not really news, but a prediction. Believe it or not, he predicts that Osama bin Laden will be caught in time for the upcoming presidential election.

“Obviously, he’ll be caught between now and the election,” Grassley said Monday.

Of all the baseless claims heard emanating from the mouths of politicians, this one takes the cake. Sure, we’d all love to see bin Laden captured and put to a justice only he deserves, but to claim he will be captured, giving a timetable nonetheless, is absolutely absurd.

Some might take his statement to mean that he has some inside information–that the Bush administration already has bin Laden and plans to wheel him out during the GOP convention in New York later this year. But conspiracy theories aside, the Senator surely isn’t harboring some inside information.

“I never learned anything from those [intelligence] briefings that I hadn’t learned in the newspapers.”

The whole thing reminds me of a certain claim by presidential candidate Wesley Clark promising no terrorist attacks were he president.

“If I’m president of the United States, I’m going to take care of the American people,” Clark told the Concord Monitor for a story published Friday. “We are not going to have one of these incidents.”

Two politicians, two equally baseless claims.

Etalkinghead Staff