I was discussing the Democratic hopefuls with a relative of mine when the conversation turned to how Bush was the biggest liar the White House had ever seen. I instantly knew I had to challenge this outrageous comment. But how? I could always try to bring up other notable presidents who have been caught in lies. I could spew heaps of facts and statistics to prove that this was not the case. I could even use the argument, “Why you &@*&^#*!!!! You don’t know %#^$#% about #**((#&%$#!!!!!”.
But I have come across a much better way to refute the refuse and garbage that passes for honest debate these days.
It is to ask the simplest of questions. A question that paralyzes with it’s briefness, and overwhelms with it’s ramifications. It is the question “Why”.
It’s a question that gives the individual making the statement enough rope to either build a net, or a noose.
It’s a question that immediately tells the outraged whether to take any stock of an individual, and puts the ball of reason into the court of the outrageous to “prove it.”
It’s a question with which a well civilized person can challenge sanity, without having to lose one’s mind in the process.
“Why” is the answer to all the questions, and the question that harvests all the answers. It is power. It is wisdom. It is the path to the truth. It is the question “Why”.
“Why” is not just theory, it is practical. When confronted with a lunatic comparing Bush and Hitler, I asked why. After a bit of hemming and hawing, said lunatic backed off his crazed position. When discussing the war in Iraq with a colleague, I posed the “why” question to his stated disapproval of the war. His well thought out, lucid responses let me understand that his positions were to be treated with respect.
“Why” should be the one question that is asked of any candidate before any other. A journalist would find more answers in one word posed, than in a query disguised as a hundred word prose. If a reporter just asked “why”, even the most uneducated Florida voter would be certain of the stances of all the candidates, and be able to vote with confidence.
It is knowledge. It is power. It is “Why”.
Darren Copeland
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