Articles by L. Berty
- Condoleezza Rice chosen to replace Powell November 16th, 2004
- ‘Swift Boat Veteran for Truth’ retracts criticism of Kerry August 6th, 2004
- John McCain condemns ‘Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’ August 6th, 2004
- Leaked memo links U.S. General to Abu Gharib abuse July 16th, 2004
- Kerry-Edwards: “A new team for a new America” July 6th, 2004
- Filed: Bush groups illegally helping Nader in Oregon June 30th, 2004
- Iraq sovereignty handed over in surprise early ceremony June 28th, 2004
- ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ breaks records June 27th, 2004
- What is – and is not – a weapon of mass destruction May 18th, 2004
- Republicans angry over lack of coverage, not outrage May 16th, 2004
- Bush campaign ran from India call centre May 15th, 2004
- Colorado bishop refusing communion to liberal voters May 15th, 2004
- Berg’s death not recorded in video May 15th, 2004
- Bizarre New Link In Berg Murder May 14th, 2004
- Prevention and Responsibility May 14th, 2004
- Avoiding attacking suspected terrorist mastermind May 14th, 2004
- Al Qaeda supporter “probably” beheaded American May 14th, 2004
- Family Demand U.S. Answers Over Beheaded Son May 12th, 2004